Telecoms & ICT Sector

Sector teams shaping a better future

Cape Innovation and Technology Initiative (CiTi) - Digital Economy Cluster


To shape a better future for an inclusive society fit for all through digital innovation.

Portfolio of Improvement Initiatives:

  • Mass Digitisation: A highly scalable, location agnostic model of digital literacy skills building, created for excluded communities and applicable to all ages
  • Career Hub: Centralised programme which delivers clear, tailored pathways for youth into Jobs, Further Employability interventions, Entrepreneurship, or Further Education
  • Service Centres: A highly scalable, location agnostic model of digital job creation funded through a commercially appealing outcome and price point
  • Training: CapaCiTistandard training solution across 4 tiers from Digital Literacy to Technically Advanced outcomes, aligned with an accreditation or certification achievement
  • Academies: Bridging programme designed in partnership with a demand lead who has a specific technical skills gap requirement. Training is bespoke to the requirement and often aligned with a job outcome and vendor-specific disciplines
Association of Comms and Technology (ITA)


To shape a better future for the ICT Industry.

Portfolio of Improvement Initiatives:

  • Establishing a digital roadmap that includes future technologies with universal accessibility/connectivity
  • Promoting green economies and meeting the ESG demands on the sector
  • Creating practical, impactful and cost-effective energy solutions for the sector and country
Business Process Enabling South Africa (BPESA)


To shape a better future for the Business Services Industry.

Portfolio of Improvement Initiatives:

  • Addressing scarce and critical skills
  • The implementation of a future skills learning platform
  • Implementing programmes to accelerate the training and employment of youth into first time jobs in digital ICT and BPO roles


To facilitate and support the growth and development of the BPO sector within the Western Cape through the promotion of the region within key targeted source markets, the mobilisation of industry and the development of scaled and work ready talent pipelines.

Portfolio of Improvement Initiatives:

  • Promote domestic and foreign investment into the Global Business Services Sector in South Africa to stimulate economic growthand skills development
  • Create an eco-system of suppliers (Outsourced Service Providers) that can compete with the scale normally sourced within India or the Philippines
  • Develop a multi-talented skills pipeline that continues to meet the needs of current and future business opportunities
  • Lobby for fit-for-purpose and practical legislative frameworks, thereby facilitating a conducive BPO operating environment


With the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Telecommunication & ICT Sector continues to grow into one of the country’s leading sources of employment and contributors to the GDP. South Africa has one of the largest information and communications technology (ICT) markets in Africa, although the country has consistently imported more ICT products than it has exported.

Telecommunication & ICT Sector image


The Chamber supports local area and sector development by providing the following:

1. Enterprise development - increasing awareness of opportunities for learning, development and links to expertise.

2. Networking events - enabling members to connect with new customers, suppliers, experts and decision-makers.

3. Support sector associations to strengthen their cluster facilitation capabilities.

4. Strengthening of dialogue with the public sector - towards more effective public investment, smarter service delivery, procurement efficacy and to stop doing what the private sector can do with greater efficacy.

Related Links:

The National Department of Communications & Digital Technologies (dcdt) - National Legislative and Policy Mandates

The Cape Innovation & Technology Initiative (CiTi) – Association Body: Sector Support

According to Statistics South Africa, South Africa’s largest ICT export – 60,5% of all ICT exports – was broadcasting, telecommunications and information supply services. Think of South Africa’s expansion into the African continent with cellphone services and pay television.

In South Africa, just over two-thirds of activity in this field relates to telecommunications services that include, among other things, private broadcasting and cellphone services. The remaining third consists of computer services (e.g. data processing and software development), manufacturing of ICT equipment (such as electronic components and devices), and activities related to the development of content and media.

We welcome you to engage with us to improve the Telecommunication & ICT sector.










Partner Information


CEO: Nomvuyiso Batyi

Chairperson: Shameel Joosub


CEO: Ian Merrington

Chairman: Joshin Raghubar

infor techno;ogy

President: Thabo Mofokeng

Sponsor information






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November 19, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM