Tygerberg Chapter

Join us to shape a better future, contact Chapter Secretariat:  Chantal Thysse chantal@capechamber.co.za

Tygerberg Chapter is the second-largest Cape Chamber Chapter from a members' perspective and one of the largest Chapters from an area perspective. 

The chapter strives to be as active as possible with our engagements with our local Chamber members and also with the business community in general within the vast area of the northern suburbs. This includes Airport Industria, Goodwood, Elsies Rivier, Parow, Bellville, Durbanville, Brackenfell, Ravensmead, Kraaifontein, etc. 

Tygerberg Chapter


The Chamber's supports local area with development by providing support for:

1. Enterprise development - increasing awareness of opportunities for learning, development and links to expertise. 

2. Networking events - enabling members to connect with new customers, suppliers, experts and decision-makers. 

3. Business retention and expansion programmes - for firms to express their concerns about issues affecting business in the area, and to steer systematic improvement of their local business environment.

4. Participation in regional sector and value chain development programmes.

Useful City of Cape Town Information relevant to the Tygerberg Chapter:

Explore the city information about various detailed places in Cape Town through a GIS viewer. For instance suburb or property-specific information.

The City has produced a number of publications that focus on the industrial areas in Cape Town. The publications cover 26 industrial areas in the city and highlight key facts and figures on the locations, economic activity trends, business’ economic activity, as well as vacant land and buildings.



One of the effective communication tools we spearhead as a Chapter to achieve this is, structuring targeted surveys to obtain direct feedback on concerns, improvements, developments and assistance from our Tygerberg business members.

We address these aspects through facilitating interactive and dynamic networking and information events with specialised speakers/presenters that serve as a channel to information, wisdom and assistance that can elevate businesses within the Tygerberg Chapter area.

Our strategy is perceived as simplistic, but effective, and goes back to the business/economic fundamentals and then expands from there through effective networking structures. 

We firmly believe in the Cape Chamber of Commerce motto - Where opportunity meets. 

At the Tygerberg Chapter, we are laser-focused on facilitating synergistic opportunities for our members through collaboration with local business institutions, for example, Stellenbosch Business School as our committed venue sponsor for all of our tailor-made events and also Government institutions, for example, Alderman James Vos from the City of Cape Town was a speaker at one of our events, addressing concerns for local business and tourism. These collaborations, which are imperative, create conduits for real progressive opportunities for the Tygerberg Chapter members.

We sincerely request that our members participate and give us their feedback and ideas. There is always scope for improvement. Let's create an open dialogue between all stakeholders which can correlate to further sustainable business growth in the Tygerberg area.

As a business or individual, always embrace an opportunity for growth - if you are not growing, you are dying in this fast-paced world that we find ourselves in. The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be an intrinsic foundation and strategic partner to facilitate business growth. 



Sponsor information

Chapter Committee:

Ilana Steyn

Company Partners

Carl Hancocks


Committee Members

Bruce Wade
Entrepreneur & Management Solutions

Helét Borchardt

Jason Kruger
Chrimata Holdings

Kevin Lazarus
Eduvos Tygervalley Campus

Margaux Gaigher
Uluma HR

Monica de Jager

Nico Zeelie
Northlink College

Rucien Petersen

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Upcoming Events

February 25, 2025 | 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
February 25, 2025 | 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM