Health & Social Services Sector

Sector teams shaping a better future

Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA)


To shape a better future for organisations in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Portfolio of Improvement Initiatives:

  • Funding for young pharmacists to start pharmacies in areas of need
  • State chronic medicine dispensing and delivery
  • PIMART –Pharmacist Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Therapy
  • Minor Ailment Services for uninsured
  • Wellness screening for state patients

According to the Constitution, everyone in South Africa has the right to healthcare, however, quality healthcare services do not reach everywhere they are required.

Health & Social Services Image

The Chamber supports local area and sector development by providing the following:

1. Enterprise development - increasing awareness of opportunities for learning, development and links to expertise.

2. Networking events - enabling members to connect with new customers, suppliers, experts and decision-makers.

3. Support sector associations to strengthen their cluster facilitation capabilities.

4. Strengthening of dialogue with the public sector - towards more effective public investment, smarter service delivery, procurement efficacy and to stop doing what the private sector can do with greater efficacy.

Related Links:

The National Department of Health – National Health Information: Legislation, Public Entities, Statutory Bodies and Legislation

The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness – Provincial Health & Wellness Information & Support


Comparatively, there is also disproportionate spending on health infrastructure, support and the number of medical personnel in metros compared with rural areas. Government has called for a uniform health system in South Africa.

The Healthcare sector addresses key issues related to Covid-19 and the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme. Covid-19 has placed significant pressure on the country’s healthcare system in terms of budget, service delivery and resources whilst the NHI is said to provide cost-effective and accessible healthcare to South Africa’s population.

According to the Council for Medical Schemes, the number of medical schemes decreased from 144 in 2000 to 76 in 2020. The proportion of beneficiaries covered by medical schemes expressed as a proportion of the population in the country declined from 16% in 2000 to 14.78% in 2020. According to the 2022 Global Healthcare Index, the SA Healthcare system ranks 48 out of 95 countries.

As the Cape Chamber, we look forward to addressing key issues and expanding linkages and networks within this sector.

We welcome you to engage with us to improve the Healthcare & Social Services Sector.




Partner Information


CEO: Jackie Maimin

Chairman: Kgabo Komape

Sponsor information


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