Cape Chamber deeply concerned for EFFs blatant disregard for law and order

The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry is deeply concerned about the blatant disregard for law and order displayed by EFF leader Julius Malema.

Speaking ahead of Monday’s planned mass protest, Malema again showed his true colours when rallying support for a “revolution” – ostensibly aimed at ending load shedding and removing President Cyril Ramaphosa from Office.   In his public address Malema made it clear the EFF exists in a parallel universe removed from the normal scope of law and order.  “We don’t care what the security cluster says, we don’t care what the Judges say,” he told his cheering supporters.

He also made a veiled threat that the EFF could not be held responsible for any looting or violence during Monday’s ‘national shutdown’. 

“South Africa will not operate as long as the EFF has not said we must stop --we listen only to the EFF,” he told his supporters.

These utterances do little other than to incite violence and prove once again that Malema is willing to sow discord that could hurt communities on a vast scale. He does so not for the greater good of South Africa, but merely for his own political gain. He rails against the violence of the state, but he is surely well aware that his war talk is likely to provoke confrontation when his supporters take to the streets, particularly in a context of widespread economic suffering.

Malema says “a war has been declared against those who are against progress”.  But through his actions he shows himself to be against progress towards a democratic state based on law, order, and economic opportunity. As a Chamber we believe the only way to end the pain of poverty is to create jobs by promoting private sector-led growth. Looting and political posturing will only take us backwards; let us rather mobilise around leaders will to build a prosperous future, rather than pander to those who are shackled to the past.

Jacques Moolman
President of the Cape Chamber of Commerce & Industry