Statement of The National Government’s Revenue, Expenditure and Borrowing

The following statements of revenue, expenditure and borrowing are published in terms of Section 32 of the Public Finance Management Act of 1999.

The Budget estimates of revenue, expenditure and borrowing are as per the Budget Review tabled in Parliament in February 2023.

National government’s revenue and expenditure are detailed in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.

The tables below indicate national government’s revenue and expenditure for the reporting month, together with comparable figures of the corresponding month for the previous fiscal year.

Revenue and expenditure for the fiscal year to date are expressed as a percentage of the budget estimate for 2023/24 and the preliminary outcome for 2022/23.

Revenue Expenditure

Expenditure per clasification

Table 3 sets out the net financing for the reporting month compared with the preliminary outcome for the same reporting month in the previous fiscal year. The following table contains a summary of information relating to total financing (net):


A cash flow schedule for the Exchequer Account is included as Table 4, summarising exchequer revenue and departmental requisitions from the National Revenue Fund.

These flows differ from the actual receipts and outlays in Tables 1 and 2, mainly because of timing differences between the cashbook transactions of departments and SARS.

(Media Release: Issued by National Treasury)