Smart Taxation: Raising Revenue and Reducing Inequality in South Africa

(Media Release: Issued and provided by the South African Revenue Service)

You are invited to attend the “Smart Taxation: Raising Revenue and Reducing Inequality in South Africa,” hosted by the Southern Africa Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) programme.

The session will focus on the role of Personal Income Tax (PIT) and progressive taxation strategies in addressing South Africa’s dual challenges of revenue generation and inequality reduction.

Panelists, including Christopher Axelson, Acting Head of Tax and Financial Sector Policy at National Treasury; Johnstone Makhubu, Deputy Commissioner: Taxpayer Engagement and Operations at the South African Revenue Service (SARS); and Yanga Mputa, Tax Ombud at the Office of the Tax Ombud, will lead discussions on the current PIT system, recent reforms, and their impact on taxpayer behaviour, revenue collection, and inequality.

The dialogue will also cover advancements in tax enforcement and offer policy recommendations based on SA-TIED research to improve the redistributive impact of the PIT system, support economic growth, and optimise the overall tax mix when combined with direct transfers.

Find all the details and registration for the event here.