Small Business Marketing: Social Media content ideas for entrepreneurs

We are living during an exciting time of the Creator Economy where more than 50 million independent content creators, bloggers, videographers, businesses and creative agencies are battling for attention.

Those that get the attention share the rewards of brand exposure, revenue share and converting leads into potential customers.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when creating content for entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneurs are always pressed for time which means they are experts at filtering content for what would most benefit the growth of their business or self-development.

This translates to, find what they need and dish it up in the format they want while taking up the least amount of their time.

ALSO READ: How to grow your business using TikTok


TikTok has shaken up the social media space and not only changed the way users consume content, but also how brands and businesses need to create and distribute their content in the fight for attention.

In line with time is money, video content resonates the best for entrepreneurs who are looking to consume content such as step-by-step breakdowns on how to grow their businesses or How To explainers on ways to fix problems they are facing right now.

Aim for under 30 second content bites that not only educates, but also entertains.

And, while video content does rise above other forms, it does not disqualify shortform written content or audio.


Traditional B2B marketing gurus would recommend LinkedIn, lifestyle gurus would suggest Instagram and those looking to target GenZ would delve in the TikTok space.

However, with attention being a moving target, an approach going into 2023 would be to consistently distribute many forms of content types across all platforms to gather data.

Play around with 15 second videos, 20 seconds and even 1 minute videos; create text pieces for LinkedIn and vary the word count for each post; post single images on Facebook and Instagram and mix it up with galleries, Reals or Stories.

In the end, the data you gather map out which platform or platforms perform performs the best and ultimately which content type provides the best engagement.