SARS Tax Return: Updated Guides for Filing Season 2024

(Media Release: Issued and provided by the South African Revenuer Service)

In the run up to Personal Income Tax phase of Filing Season 2024, SARS has published the updated Guides and the issuing of auto-assessments from 1 July 2024 up to 14 July 2024.

Taxpayers who do not agree with their auto-assessments can file a tax return immediately, while all other taxpayers who are still required to file a tax return will be able to do so from 15 July 2024 onwards, with the exception of Trusts, which can do so from 16 September 2024 onwards.

Non-provisional taxpayers who are required to file a tax return, as well as taxpayers in the auto-assessment population who wish to file a return in response to their auto-assessments, have until 21 October 2024 to do so. Provisional taxpayers and Trusts have until 20 January 2025 to file a return.

The updated Guides are outlining the changes and enhancements for this filing season, including but not limited to:

  • Auto Assessment
  • Investment Income for Spouse
  • Tax Free Investments
  • Solar Energy Tax Credit

Get the full list of SARS Income Tax Guides here.