SARS non-compliance notices

(Media Release: Issued and provided by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission - CIPC)

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) wishes to clarify the confusion with the non-compliance notices issued by SARS to companies and close corporations, who have not filed their tax returns.

The notice issued by SARS is based on tax compliance, and not the same compliance required by CIPC, for the filing of Annual Returns. Although compliance with the two institutions are necessary and are co-related to some extent, they are however independent in that:

  1. Annual Returns and the required AFS or FAS and Compliance Checklist MUST be filed with the CIPC before or by the companies or close corporation anniversary date.
  2. Tax filing must be filed with SARS at the stipulated date, for specific tax compliance obligations.

To confirm the status of your enterprise on the CIPC register, go to / login / select Services / BizProfile / follow prompts.

If outstanding with Annual Returns with the CIPC, and your business is conducting business or will be conducting business in the near future, then kindly comply.

Read the full press release here.