Here's how to save on energy costs

Households can reduce monthly household bills by making a few tweaks to their utility usage and by taking the power of energy costs into their hands.

Simply by reducing the geyser temperature, residents can save significantly on their monthly energy costs. Residents can also time their purchases and install LED light fittings, among a number of other no and low-cost ideas. 

"Eskom's 18,5% increase has driven up the cost to supply electricity and is impacting households. By developing no-cost smart energy use habits, households can start saving on their electricity bill.

"It's possible for residents to save even more by adding a few low-cost ways to save. The City has developed smart energy use habits making it possible for everyone to play their part in more efficient usage," said the City's Mayoral Committee Member for Energy, Councillor Beverley van Reenen.

He added that adopting energy-saving practices will not only save money, it will also help everyone to live in a more sustainable manner and to contribute to greater energy security.

There are no-cost, low-cost and higher investment cost options to suit every pocket. It is possible for residents to save:

  • Up to 30% saving on the bill with no and low- cost solutions
  • As much as 50% if residents also include invest-to-save options like solar water heating or heat pump

Please visit for more no-cost, low-cost and invest-to-save smart tips.

Tips to manage household bills:

  • Reduce your geyser's temperature to 60 degrees Celsius to reduce costs.
  • Buying electricity in bulk is not cheaper. Rather buy small amounts as required to stay on the cheaper tariff band.
  • Use less, pay less for both water and electricity.
  • Make use of energy efficient light bulbs like LEDs.
  • Limit purchases to below 600 kWh per month.
  • Install prepaid meter to give greater control and measurement.

Read the full press release here.

(Media Release: Issued by the City of Cape Town)