Calls for public submissions and comments for National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill

(Media Release: Issued and provided by Parliament of South Africa)

The Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour invites stakeholders and interested parties to submit written submissions on the National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill [B16B – 2023] (sec 76).

National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill [B16B – 2023] (sec 76) seeks to:
Amend the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996, in order to amend, delete, insert and to substitute certain definitions;
Provide for the report of the Advisory Body;
Provide for the establishment of the Small Enterprise Development Finance Agency;
Provide for the functions of the Agency; to ensure the provision of financial and non-financial support services to small enterprises;
Promote the development of sustainable and responsible co-operative banking;

Interested individuals and stakeholders wishing to comment are kindly requested to forward written submissions to the Committee by no later than 12:00 pm on Friday,16 February 2024. Those who want to make submissions at public hearings should specifically request this, but it should be noted that the granting of such requests for oral submission resides with the Committee.

Read the full press release here and find copies of the bills available at