AI is coming to Outlook to respond to your emails

AI is coming to Outlook! and will include the ability to read your emails, learn your writing style and compose messages on your behalf.

According to Bloomberg, from next month, Microsoft Corp will start making its artificial intelligence features for Office widely available to corporate customers.

While the idea of not having to compose emails may sound like a dream come true, but when you find yourself on the receiving end, the experience can be somewhat different.

Over the past year, millions of individuals have turned to ChatGPT for assistance in various tasks, including crafting messages to colleagues, family and friends. Generative AI has proven its ability to mimic human speech, as evidenced by recent products like those from and Meta Platforms Inc., which replicate the styles of celebrities and historical figures.

Crucially, the AI-generated messages will not contain any disclosure to identify their origin, according to Microsoft.

Jared Spataro, a Microsoft Vice President, likens it to having a human assistant. Just as an assistant might craft a personal message to accompany a bouquet of flowers for the boss's spouse, Microsoft is making this capability accessible to any company employee willing to invest $30 per month per user. A consumer version of Office Copilot has recently entered the testing phase.

Read the full article here.