Publication of VAT modernisation discussion paper

(Media Release: Issued and provided by the South African Revenue Service)

SARS has published a Discussion Paper on VAT Modernisation. This is in pursuit of its strategic objective of modernising its systems to provide digital and streamlined online services and making it easy for taxpayers to comply with their obligations.

This discussion paper sets out the high-level vision for the modernisation of the South African Value-Added Tax (VAT) administrative framework.

The intention of publishing the discussion paper is to invite businesses (vendors), accounting system software developers or suppliers, technology entities, recognised controlling bodies, public finance entities, municipal finance entities and the public to submit contributions, and comments, as part of a consultative process to modernise the VAT administrative framework.

See the paper here – Discussion Paper on Value-Added Tax Modernisation.

Comments may be submitted by close of business on 31 October 2023 to